York Swirls

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Grocery Challenge

Ok. I have decide to give coupons another try. My goal: Feed 5 hungry boys (and hopefuly myself) on a buget of $60 per week. This should be interesting considering that I currently spend about $125 a week (easily). Tomorrow is my first shopping day! aggggghhhhhh. I have my Coupon binder ready and set to go... (I will post pics soon) it is pretty darn cool. I have scoured the circulars and I think I have a plan....
So anyone want to take the challenge with me?
So in order to keep myself on track, I will be posting menu plans and grocery receipts.
And we are off!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I am doing this currently and look forward to learning more from you!
